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Castlerigg Stone Circle Cumbria
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Castlerigg Stone Circle by Real World Art Wall Art Prints

Code: RWA0560

Castlerigg Stone Circle, located on a low hill near Keswick in Cumbria, is one of Britain's earliest stone circles, dating back 4,000 to 5,000 years to the Neolithic period. The circle consists of 38 stones, some as tall as 3 meters (10 feet). Its purpose remains speculative, but it likely served ceremonial and astronomical functions, marking significant solar and lunar events crucial for Neolithic agricultural societies.

The construction of Castlerigg would have required significant community effort, reflecting sophisticated social structures. The stones, sourced from nearby areas, were transported and erected with precision, showcasing the builders' skills and communal effort.

Surrounded by the peaks of Skiddaw, Blencathra, and Helvellyn, Castlerigg offers stunning panoramic views that may have held spiritual significance for its creators.

In 1882, Castlerigg was among the first sites protected under the Ancient Monuments Protection Act, highlighting its importance to Britain’s archaeological heritage.

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